In the Notifications page, in Supervision - Notifications, the MyQ Roger administrator can view and manage alert notifications. The list contains a description of the notification along with the date and severity information. Clicking on a notification takes you to the related settings page (if applicable).

You can also reach the Notifications page by clicking on the bell in the upper-right corner and then clicking See all notifications.

You can set up the date range for the listed notifications by clicking on the date field and selecting the start and end date from the calendar. Click the refresh button to the right and the notifications from the selected dates will be displayed.

You can also select to list either all the notifications or only the unread ones.
Once your selected notifications are listed, you can:
Click the Set all as read button in the upper-right corner to mark them as read.
Click the Delete Listed Notifications button to delete the listed notifications.
In a notification, under Actions, click the Set as read button to mark it as read.

In a notification, under Actions, click the Show button to hide or unhide the notification.

In a notification, under Actions, click the Delete button to delete it.

Notification Settings
You can manage your notification settings by clicking on the Notification settings button or by clicking on the bell in the upper-right corner and then clicking the cog (settings) button.

In the pop-up window, you can choose whether you want to Receive Notifications (enabled by default) and you can mark the checkbox to receive a notification On a new user registered to the application (disabled by default). Click Save to apply your changes.