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Importing Users

To import users:

  • On the left-side menu options, go to Organization - Users.

  • On the Users settings, click Excel operations on the upper-right side.

Importing Users from Excel
  • Click Import from excel, browse for your file, and click Open.

  • Once the users import is complete, you see a notification on the lower-right side of the screen.

Import complete notification
  • Refresh your browser window and you can now see the imported users.

Excel File Syntax

Excel file syntax example
  • UserName* - add the user’s user name.

  • Name* - add the user’s first name.

  • Surname* - add the user’s surname.

  • EmailAddress* - add the user’s email address.

  • PhoneNumber - optionally add the user’s phone number.

  • Password - add a password for the user.

  • PIN - add a PIN for the user.

  • AssignedRoleNames - add the role you want to assign to the user; either User or Admin.

  • SendActivationEmail - add TRUE to send an activation email to the user.

  • IncludePINToActivationEmail - add TRUE if you want the PIN to be included in the activation email that is sent to the user.

  • Aliases - add any aliases for the user.


If you are using MS Office in a language other than English, the values TRUE and FALSE needed in the SendActivationEmail and IncludePINToActivationEmail fields have to be translated in the MS Office language. For example, if your MS Office is in German, add WAHR or FALSCH instead of TRUE or FALSE.

You can also use our sample Excel file, to avoid syntax mistakes. Click Excel operations on the upper-right side, and then click Click here to download the sample file. Once downloaded, modify it and then click Excel Operations, Import from Excel to upload it.

Users imported from Excel cannot use external authentication (MS, Google, Apple authentication), because when importing from Excel, the unique UID identifier cannot be confirmed and match the user to the correct account.

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