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In the Reports page, in Supervision>Reports, the MyQ Roger administrator (or a user with the Administration/Jobs/Reports permissions) has a full overview of all the users' jobs, as well as accounting information about each job in the Jobs tab, and can export jobs' reports in the Reports tab.

Jobs Tab

  • In the Jobs overview tab, there is a full overview of all the users' jobs, as well as accounting information about each job. Users without the necessary permissions can only view their own jobs.

    Your jobs overview
  • Under Show advanced filters there are many filters that can be used to modify what jobs are displayed in the overview.

    Job filters
  • On the upper-right side, you can use the Column selection button to rearrange the columns shown in the overview.

  • Drag-and-drop columns from one side to the other or select a column and use the arrows in the middle and then click Save. All the columns in the Shown columns side will be displayed in the jobs overview.

    Jobs column selection
  • You can also use the Export button to export the overview to Excel or CSV:

    Jobs export

Reports Tab

In the Reports tab, the MyQ Roger administrator (or a user with the Administration/Jobs/Reports permissions) can export jobs' reports.

Reports tab
  • Choose one of the available Quick filters: Current week, Last week, Current year, Last year.

  • Manually set the Creation time range.

  • Select the Group by time interval: Day, Week, Month, Year.
    (This option is automatically set if you use a quick filter).

  • Select how to group your report in the export in Group by: Users, Printers, Cost Centers, User groups, User groups, User groups and Cost Center, Printer Groups, Printer Groups and Cost Center (only available with a specific license).

  • Use the Export button to export your report to: Excel or CSV.

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