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Desktop Clients

In Supervision>Desktop Clients, the MyQ Roger administrator (or a user with the Administration/Desktop Clients/View Desktop Clients permissions) can monitor all the MyQ Roger Clients connected to their tenant.

Desktop Clients

The information available is the desktop client’s ID, its display name, version, IP address, the hostname of the computer(s) connected to it, and the active status of the desktop client.

Connecting a Desktop Client

Once a Desktop Client has been installed, there are several methods to connect it to the tenant.

Connecting a Desktop Client
  • You can use an instance of the MyQ Roger App already connected to the tenant, use the Login option and scan this QR code twice.

  • You can use the link provided and login using your MyQ credentials, which will connect the Desktop Client to the tenant, and log you in.

  • You can enter the code provided in the format XXXX-XXXX in the web app, on the page Desktop Clients, select +Create Desktop Client and enter this code. The tenant will be connected to the Desktop Client.

Download Logs

You can download the logs of a Desktop Client.

Download logs
  1. Select Actions>Request Log Download.
    Once this operation is complete, to save the download log as a zipped file,

  2. Select Action>Download Log.
    To generate a new download log,

  3. Click Request Log Download again.

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