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Release Notes

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.6(133) beta

6 August, 2024 (version valid until 04 October, 2024)

There are no changes between version 24.1.5(131) and this version, it was released to prolong validity until the 4th of October, 2024.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.5(131) beta

12 June, 2024 - version valid until 11 August, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • MS Universal Print jobs are not possible to print via Print all button.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.4(124) beta

24 April, 2024 - version valid until 22 June, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • ID Card login is not possible in some cases.

  • Idle logout is not applied.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.3(118) beta

25 March, 2024 - version valid until 21 May, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Error 404 is displayed during printing the jobs from Ready jobs.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.2(115) beta

13 March, 2024 - version valid until 11 May, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Job list isn't automatically refreshed after deletion of the job.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.1(113) beta

22 January, 2024 - version valid until 22 March, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Only 9 workflow templates are displayed on the terminal.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 24.1.0(109) beta

11 January, 2024 - version valid until 11 March, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • The icon of the first scan workflow in the list is always a scanner, although it should depend on the type of destination.

  • Unlock Panel action removed, will be reintroduced in the next version.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 2023.12.20(100) beta

29 December, 2023 - version valid until 18 February, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • MyQ Roger Ricoh terminal is not possible to use on Ricoh G3 devices.

  • Card reader is not working on the device with MyQ Ricoh Roger terminal.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 2022.12.07(96) RC

24 January, 2023

In this version there are no changes against the released 2022.11.29(93) version; the only difference is this version doesn't expire.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 2022.11.29(93)

30 November, 2022 - version valid until 28 January, 2023


  • Printing via IPP/IPPS is available.

  • Printing via RDC is available.

Bug Fixes

  • Operations were not accounted on the server in Jobs.

  • Logout using Logout button in Unlock panel was not working.

  • Logout using card wasn't working.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 2022.09.05(40)

5 September, 2022 - version valid until 4 November, 2022

This version doesn't have any changes compared to the previously released version (2022.06.22(38)). The only difference is its validity.

MyQ Roger terminal for Ricoh 2022.06.22(38)

22 June, 2022 - version valid until 21 August, 2022


  • Print via IPP will be finished in the next version.

  • It isn't possible to use automatic configuration of the tenant during the installation for US tenants. The installation for US tenants stops when the Roger terminal is installed to the device. It is required to change the region from EU to US manually on the device panel and use the Configure Roger option in Roger Ricoh Installer or use MyQ Roger mobile application.

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