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MyQ Roger Client Job Lifecycle

All MyQ Roger Client files are encrypted.

MyQ Roger Client uses Local Mode storage. A job is stored in MyQ Roger Client and is released when the user chooses to print the job. The job does not leave the local computer (secure option), and the delay related to uploading/downloading the job is pretty small. However, MyQ Roger Client must be in the same local network as the printer, and the client must be online when the document is printed.

Releasing a job example:

  1. A job is spooled from the TCP 515 LPR port (printer driver queue) and it’s stored to the C:\ProgramData\MyQ\DesktopClient\Jobs\ file.

  2. When the user is NOT logged in, depending on the settings in the oem.ini

    1. If AcceptJobsWhenNoUserLogged=true, the job is waiting to be assigned to the next logged in user.

    2. If AcceptJobsWhenNoUserLogged=false, the job is deleted.

  3. When the user is logged in:

    1. The job’s metadata are created at the MyQ Roger Server and are then visible on devices.

    2. The job is assigned to the MyQ Roger Client logged in user.

  4. A user can release the job:

    1. from the terminal

    2. from the MyQ Roger Mobile app if the user is logged in the printer.

  5. MyQ Roger Client must be online to release the job but the user does not need to be logged in the MyQ Roger Client during the release.

  6. The printer reports the job at MyQ Roger Server.

  7. The job is deleted from MyQ Roger Client immediately after the release.


Job expiration in MRC is 7 days by default.

Job expiration “JobExpirationInDays" can be set in the oem.ini in

  • C:\Program Files\MyQ\Roger Desktop Client\Agent\oem.ini

  • C:\Program Files\MyQ\Roger Desktop Client\Service\oem.ini

After the expiration, the job is deleted from the user’s list.

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