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Release Notes

Download the latest version of MyQ Roger Client for macOS here.

MyQ Roger Client for macOS 1.4 (patch 3)

3 September, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Failover printing dialog continuously appears even after job is discarded.

MyQ Roger Client for macOS 1.4 (patch 2)

21 August, 2024


  • Debug logs from MRC can be requested and downloaded from the server.

  • MRC reports error messages to the server.

Bug Fixes

  • MRC is able to release jobs from Ricoh 24.1 Terminal

MyQ Roger Client for macOS 1.4 (patch 1)

5 June, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed performance issues.

MyQ Roger Client for macOS 1.4 RTM

30 May, 2024


  • Multiple configuration profiles on the server now supported by the client.

  • Client can now be downloaded with and without bundled drivers.

Bug Fixes

  • The client is unable to authenticate when the MacBook is closed for prolonged hours.

  • MRC agent not automatically closing when upgrading.

  • MRC tenant is not always remembered when restarting macOS.

  • MRC only prints in black and white with default printer.

MyQ Roger Client for macOS 1.4 RC

28 February, 2024

New Features

  • (.pkg) deployment via Installer, Silent installation, Intune or Apple Remote Desktop.

  • Supported authentication methods, MyQ credentials, QR Code, Google, Microsoft.

  • Releasing jobs via Kyocera, HP, and Ricoh Terminals.

  • Fallback Printing.

  • Printing via SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.

  • Printing via RAW and IPP/S protocols.

  • Releasing jobs to lightweight printers.

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