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Obtain Logs

When you contact MyQ Support to investigate any issues with MyQ Roger, you should specify:

  • Your MyQ Roger Tenant name. The Tenant name can be found:

    • In the MyQ Roger mobile app, go to More - Profile - Tenant name.

    • In MyQ Roger Client (MRC), it's visible in the top-center.

    • In the terminal, in the Admin Menu under Registered tenant.

  • The username (email) where the issue occurred.

  • The exact time of the issue.

  • A detailed description of the issue.

  • Logs of any MyQ Roger products you currently use.


MyQ Roger HyPAS Terminal Logs

To obtain logs from a MyQ Roger HyPAS device, tap the MyQ Roger logo on the terminal’s screen and then log in as an administrator (the default administrator’s PIN of an unassigned terminal to a tenant is 1087. For newly created tenants, the Admin PIN is generated randomly and after connecting the device to the tenant, the Admin PIN can be changed. The value of the Admin PIN can be found in the MyQ Roger Server tenant settings, in Administration - Device Settings, in the General tab under Admin Mode.)

Admin Login

Once logged in to the Admin Menu, connect a USB drive to the device (the USB should be formatted to FAT32) and then tap Export log in the Admin Menu.

Export Log Button

Lastly, attach the exported logs files to your helpdesk case.


MyQ Roger Client Logs

The default location of the MyQ Roger Client logs is in the following two directories:

  1. C:\ProgramData\MyQ\Desktop Client\logs

  2. %userprofile%\AppData\Local\MyQ\Desktop Client\logs

Store all the files and folders from both directories in a .zip file, and attach it to your helpdesk case.

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